KAPP NILES supports regional organisations

11.02.2025 - Coburg | The company, managers and company pensioners donated a total of 14,050 euros to organisations in Coburg and Berlin.

At the donation handover (from left): Matthias Kapp, Managing Director of KAPP NILES, Sandra Ender, Deputy Managing Director of Innovative Sozialarbeit e.V., Stefan Vinzelberg, Head of the COSMOS youth culture centre, Inga Schütt, Chairwoman of Kids & Co. g.e.V., Peter Tretau, initiator of the project ‘Inklusionsgerechte Spielgeräte’ (‘Inclusive playground equipment’), as well as Veronika Schlücke and Bettina Dörfling (as ‘Ella Elefant’) from the Kinderschutzbund Coburg. Manfred Zeilinger, Chairman of Förderverein Suchthilfe Deutschland, was unable to attend the handover.

Donations instead of gifts: For many years, the KAPP NILES Group has decided not to give gifts to business partners at Christmas - and instead supports charitable organisations and projects in Coburg and Berlin. The Coburg youth culture centre COSMOS, the project ‘Inklusionsgerechte Spielgeräte’ of the city of Coburg, the Berlin association ‘Kids & Co g.e.V.’, the Förderverein Suchthilfe Deutschland and the Kinderschutzbund Coburg e.V. have now received a total of 14,050 euros.

The brothers Michael and Matthias Kapp, who are the third generation to run the company, symbolically handed over a donation cheque to the representatives of the regional institutions and associations. ‘We are delighted to be able to support your social engagement with our donation and to learn more from you today about your organisations and projects,’ emphasised the managing directors.

Playgrounds for handicapped children

4,000 euros were donated to the project ‘Inklusionsgerechte Spielgeräte' ('Inclusive playground equipment') of the city of Coburg. Initiator Peter Tretau is committed to ensuring that all children can play together on playgrounds, regardless of physical or mental disabilities. He has already used donations to purchase a trampoline, which can also be used by children in wheelchairs, and a disabled-accessible swing for a playground in Coburg, among other things.

Language training for children

The Berlin-based organisation ‘Kids & Co g.e.V.’ also received 4,000 euros. This organisation is currently teaching 50 pre-school children from 11 countries the German language to prepare them for primary school. Another project enables schoolchildren with poor prospects of completing school to attend practical workshops several days a week instead of regular school lessons and thus discover career opportunities.

Creative workshops in Coburg

The KAPP NILES Group donated a further 2,000 euros to the COSMOS youth culture centre run by ‘iSo - Innovative Sozialarbeit e.V.’. Teenagers and young adults can attend workshops there to try out their creativity. The centre on Coburger Anger also functions as a meeting place with a café and various events.

Support for advisory services

Once again, managers and company pensioners joined the donation initiative. Division managers and management donated 1,550 euros to the Förderverein Suchthilfe Deutschland for educational work in Coburg's schools. Pensioners from KAPP NILES donated 2,500 euros to the Kinderschutzbund Coburg e.V., which provides quick and unbureaucratic help for parents and grandparents with its donation-funded advisory service.

After the donations were handed over, the representatives were given a tour through the production area at the Coburg head quarter. This is where KAPP NILES manufactures grinding machines that can be used to grind gears with high precision, for example.

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