KAPP NILES donates 14,500 € for child and youth work

03.12.2019 - Coburg | donations exclusively for children and young people in the Coburg region

f.l.: Bernd Pöthig, Alexandra Bohl, Helmut Nüssle, Carolin Schmidt, Hermann Beckering, Doris Wolf, Petra Kotterba, Matthias Kapp

Instead of Christmas presents for esteemed customers KAPP NILES group supports for 13 years welfare organisations in the Coburg area.

The first amount of 5,000 € goes this year to the Addiction and Youth Aid Association for the project "Awareness campaign on synthetic drugs" in Coburg schools. The aim of the campaign is to prevent or to delay the start of the consumption of legal and illegal drugs by early detection and early intervention.

Helmut Nüssle, Managing Director of the KAPP NILES group of Companies, presented the second donation cheque amounting to 5,000 € to the Caritas Association for the city and district of Coburg with the Leo Children's House. It takes care of 75 kids aged 0-14 years. It consists of a crèche, a kindergarten and an after-school care centre.

The management of KAPP NILES joined the donation award. Matthias Kapp presented 2,000 € on behalf of the district to Petra Kotterba and Doris Wolf, who represented the Caritasverband e.V. for the project "Green Pencil Warehouse". This is a project that has been established for more than ten years and provides pupils, students and vocational school pupils with school materials. Support is given to children from needy families, who have to provide proof of this.

Last but not least Bernd Pöthig, as a representative of the KAPP NILES company retirees, handed over 2,500 € to Alexandra Bohl, the director of the kindergarten “Castle Falkenegg”. "We would like to use the donation to equip and expand our exercise rooms. We have been dreaming for a long time of two new soft floor mats for our children", Mrs. Bohl announced.

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