KAPP NILES Photo Competition

19.12.2019 - Coburg / Boulder | Great calendar pictures for 2020

The winners from the locations in Coburg (f.l.): Jan Senftleben, Frank Tondock, Johanna Jojko, Peter Jojko and Daniel Schmidt

The winner from the location in Boulder: Vit Steiger

We would like to thank our employees for their participation in our photo competition. The result is again an impressive calendar for 2020.

The following photos were selected:

Avenue on the Eckardtsberg | Coburg, Germany | Photo: Frank Tondock | KAPP NILES GmbH & Co. KG

Way from Mirsdorf to Lautertal | Coburg, Germany | Photo: Jan Senftleben | KAPP NILES GmbH & Co. KG

Highway to Coburg | Coburg, Germany | Photo: Frank Tondock | KAPP NILES GmbH & Co. KG

Way over the Baunach bridge | Bamberg, Germany | Photo: Johanna Jojko | KAPP Technologie GmbH

Way through the courtyard garden | Coburg, Germany | Photo: Daniel Schmidt | KAPP NILES GmbH & Co. KG

Way at the Main river bank | Lichtenfels, Germany | Photo: Peter Jojko | KAPP Technologie GmbH

Fortification ways | Xi‘an, China | Photo: Vit Steiger | KAPP TECHNOLOGIES L.P.

The way to heaven | Coburg, Germany | Photo: Johanna Jojko | KAPP Technologie GmbH

Sunflowerway | Coburg, Germany | Photo: Peter Jojko |  KAPP Technologie GmbH

Ralston Creek bike trail | Arvada, CO, USA | Photo: Vit Steiger | KAPP TECHNOLOGIES L.P.

Way in the rock garden | Coburg, Germany | Photo: Johanna Jojko | KAPP Technologie GmbH

We are pleased to present the above-mentioned employees with a voucher and a just-printed copy of the KAPP NILES calendar 2020 for their effort.

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