KAPP NILES honours long-term employees

05.11.2019 - Coburg | 25 years in the company

November 05th, 2019 - Today, five long-term employees, who have been contributing to the success of the company for 25 years, were the focus of the ceremonial event at the headquarters of the high-tech company KAPP NILES in Coburg, Germany.
Martin Kapp (Managing Director and Partner), Helmut Nüssle (Managing Director), as well as the superiors of the jubilarians, congratulated the long-term employees during a ceremony.
"The anniversary celebration offers a good opportunity to say thank you and to exchange personal words, which is unfortunately not always possible in everyday working life" said Martin Kapp.

The silver jubilee celebrated: Steffen Bergmann, Thomas Karl, Martina Schader, Mario Treßelt, Heiko Backert

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